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Module Introduction

You've already learned about the hardware, operating systems, and software layers of the computer architecture model. Now it's time to learn about the most important layer, the user layer. Troubleshooting problems and solid communication with users, may be one of the most challenging parts of your job as an IT support specialist. But by the end of this module, you'll know the best way to handle them. Fixing problems and creating positive interactions with people, are two fundamental skills that can be applied to almost any situation in the IT world and beyond. Knowing how to analyze an issue, identifying the causes and effects, and use the information to find potential solutions, are skills that everyone from IT support specialist to doctors can use. Hi, I'm Marti Clark, and I'm a manager with Google's internal IT Support Program. Even though I grew up around technology and worked at my university's help desk, going into tech wasn't something that was encouraged by my teachers, or my family. Now as a manager, I try to encourage all techs I work with to follow their passion. It's this passion to help others grow and my love for technology that led me here. Helping people with technology is both rewarding, and challenging endeavor. I encourage my team to take advantage of their work with users to spin up ideas, solutions, and opportunities for improvement. The technical aspects of problem solving are super useful. But don't forget the real reason most technology exists is to improve people's lives. Whether it's the routing algorithm that form the backbone of the internet, or the software tools that let people create amazing art. The ways that people interact with technology are central to IT. As an IT support specialist, you're uniquely positioned to combine technology and people know-how to make those interactions better, and make a difference in people's day-to-day lives.