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Introduction to Qwiklabs

You're about to do a few exercises using the Qwiklabs online learning platform. Before we dive into that, let's learn a bit more about the platform. Qwiklabs is an online learning environment that takes you through live real world scenarios you may encounter as an IT support specialist. As we said earlier, a virtual machine or VM, simulates computers using software. This virtual machine will be running on either Linux or Windows depending on the exercise. Qwiklab supports both, this way you can learn to work in either operating system regardless of which operating system you are running on your machine. The Qwiklabs virtual machines run in the cloud. So you can access them over the internet from wherever you are. As we've shared before, when we say that a service is running in the cloud, we mean that it's running in a data center or on other remote servers. After this video, we'll give you instructions on how to access and complete the labs. You'll use Qwiklabs in lots of courses for this program. So spend some time learning your way around it. We still encourage you to try these exercises on a local machine if that's an option for you. Remember that practice makes perfect, whether you're learning something new or trying to improve your skills. So practice using Qwiklabs as much as you can.
You're about to do a few exercises using the Qwiklabs online learning platform. Before we dive into that, let's learn a bit more about the platform. Qwiklabs is an online learning environment that takes you through live real world scenarios you may encounter as an IT support specialist. As we said earlier, a virtual machine or VM, simulates computers using software. This virtual machine will be running on either Linux or Windows depending on the exercise. Qwiklab supports both, this way you can learn to work in either operating system regardless of which operating system you are running on your machine. The Qwiklabs virtual machines run in the cloud. So you can access them over the internet from wherever you are. As we've shared before, when we say that a service is running in the cloud, we mean that it's running in a data center or on other remote servers. After this video, we'll give you instructions on how to access and complete the labs. You'll use Qwiklabs in lots of courses for this program. So spend some time learning your way around it. We still encourage you to try these exercises on a local machine if that's an option for you. Remember that practice makes perfect, whether you're learning something new or trying to improve your skills. So practice using Qwiklabs as much as you can.

Qwiklabs Introduction

For some of your graded assessments, you’ll use the Qwiklabs tool to complete the assigned activities. Qwiklabs is an online lab tool that creates simulated Windows and Linux OS environments. With this tool, you can complete the course activities without having to install extra software on your computer. 

Important details

Qwiklabs allows you to use both Linux and Windows operating systems as if they were installed on your local machine. When you access your Qwiklabs activities through Coursera you will be given the software and OS setup needed to complete the activity within the tool.

Make sure to always access labs directly through Coursera (not through the Qwiklabs catalog). If you do not access labs directly through Coursera, you will not receive a grade. 

Here are some things to be ready for when using Qwiklabs:

  • Unless stated otherwise, you will have 60 minutes to complete each Qwiklabs assignment.

  • You'll experience a delay as the labs load. Also expect delays when the Linux and Windows simulated environments boot up.

Each lab connects you to a new Qwiklabs simulated environment. Each time, temporary credentials are created for you to connect to the lab. These credentials expire at the end of the lab assignment.

  • Click “Start Lab” to begin your assessment activity.

  • Click “End Lab” to end the activity.

    • The lab needs to run for at least 5 minutes for your activity’s score to be shared back to Coursera. If you click the "End Lab" button before 5 minutes pass, your score may be recorded incorrectly in Coursera.

    • Your grade is calculated when the lab is complete. Be sure to click the "End Lab" button when you've finished the assignment. 

    • After you end the lab, you won't be able to access your previous work.

If you receive an error message while completing a lab, please reach out to the Qwiklabs support team through the chat support option in the lab’s ‘help’ menu. 


Contact Qwiklabs Support