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Documenting in Ticketing Systems

Now that we've talked a little bit about documenting processes, let's talk about how you write documentation in ticketing or bug systems. You don't have to leave a full example of process documentation for every ticket you handle. If you encounter the same issue, just write the documentation once, then refer back to it. One of the more important aspects of writing documentation in a ticket or bug, is that you leave an audit trail to see what worked and what didn't. Let's take a look at some examples of awesome documentation and not so awesome documentation in ticketing and bug systems.

This isn't helpful at all since we don't know what the issue was or what the IT support specialist did to fix it. If someone stumbled upon this ticket with the same issue, it would be pretty useless.

This is an example of a great ticket documentation.

The tech described what the issue is, what caused the issue, and the specific steps they took to resolve it.