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Gian: what he does in Android Security

My name is Gian Bokassa, and I'm a Program Manager with the Android Security Team. The Android Security Team is responsible for protecting over two billion Android devices are on the world. But specifically, what I do with the team is I work with anywhere from the end-users to our partners, all the way up to the engineering teams within Google on each Android dessert release, which is what we call versions of Android. Depending on what needs to be done for that release and that cycle, I'm the person. We have lots of discussions with external partners and phone manufacturers on helping them adopt new security features that run on Android for their next phone release. Internally, we're always trying to think one step ahead and try and think of what the next vulnerability or next area that we can improve the platform exists in. Security is important to everyone in the chain because as more and more of our data becomes digitized, it's even more important to keep it all protected. From a programming perspective, you can say build a secure system. But if there's one flaw somewhere in that software and that flaw could be one byte. The whole system could be open insecure and anyone can just take it down.