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Creating a Folder with Windows


This lab will introduce you to the Qwiklabs online learning platform’s hands-on lab experience. You'll interact with hands-on labs in lots of courses of the IT Support Professional Certificate program, so it's important that you follow these instructions carefully. We'll give you some background information about what Qwiklabs are, and how these labs will help train you as an IT Support Specialist. Finally, you'll interact with the lab materials themselves. Ready? Let's get started!

Heads up: The grade is calculated when the lab is complete, so be sure to hit "End Lab" when you're done!

In this Qwiklab, you'll spin up a virtual machine of the Windows OS. In other Qwiklabs throughout the IT Support Professional Certificate, you may spin up other instances (or other occurrences) of software; Qwiklabs isn't just limited to operating systems. You'll soon learn that, with Qwiklabs, you can interact with many other real-world scenarios that you may see as an IT Support Specialist.

What you'll do

There are two learning objectives for this lab:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Qwiklabs environment.

  • Access a Windows VM instance and create a basic folder using the graphical user interface (GUI).

You'll have 60 minutes to complete this lab. You must spend at least 5 minutes running the lab in order for your grade to be updated and passed back to Coursera. If you complete the lab before 5 minutes have passed, please wait until more time has passed before clicking "End Lab".

Note: If you encounter a problem starting or completing this lab, before restarting the lab, try some basic troubleshooting tactics including closing and reopening your browser, clearing your cache and cookies, or rebooting your device.