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Course Wrap Up

In the very beginning of this course, we told you that all a computer does is calculate and process data. We also told you that with that simple function, we can post a social media, create beautiful graphics, listen to music, and more. Well, in the short time we spent together, you've learned how this entire process works. That's an amazing accomplishment. You've taken the first step on the path toward preparing for a career in IT support. Think of everything you've learned. You now know that software developers build the websites, operating systems, tools and programs that we use. These programs are compiled into machine code that our computer takes and processes with the hardware. The data that the computer processes is just binary data that gets calculated into actual task that computer performs. These tasks can include talking to other computers over the internet or even just using a web browser to look at cats. We also learned how our data travels across the world to different servers. But these processes don't work all the time, which is why IT support specialists are needed. As technology gets more complex, the tools needed to fix that technology also gets more complex. With more and more people adopting a digital lifestyle, more and more fixes are needed. It's an exciting time to be working in IT. Soon we'll have self-driving cars, computers beating world champion Go players, virtual reality gaming, and so much more. Every day new technology emerges and we need more IT support specialist working in the field to keep it running. But we've only scratched the surface. You've worked hard to learn some important skills, but there's still a lot more to dive into. You'll learn all the technical details of the components and processes that we've covered. You'll learn exactly how information is routed across the Internet. You'll learn how to set up and support networks large and small. Not only that, you will learn how to navigate Windows and Linux operating systems like a pro. Before too long, you'll be able to manage a fleet of computers and administer them using industry best practices. You'll even learn how to automate some of these processes. Finally, you'll learn how to keep everything you've built safe and secure using industry standards for computer security. Welcome to the world of IT support. There's so much more exciting stuff coming up, so let's get to it.