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Ben: Skills of IT professionals

The one great constant in the technology industry is it's history of change and the speed of that change so no education is going to give anyone the skills they need for an entire career. You've got to have curiosity, you've got to have a lifetime of curiosity and a dedication to a lifetime of learning because the tools and technology that we use in this industry are always going to be changing. Great tech skills are really important but the important thing about technology is that it serves people and it serves the interests of people. You have to like people you have to like helping them, you have to have empathy and sympathy for their problems. That is the most important thing. There's no corner of our lines are of industry of government or society that IT and technology don't play a role in, and these are skills that don't just help you in your job, but they can help you with every facet of your life. They're going to be relevant to everything that we do in our lives for as far into the future as anyone can predict, try this program out. If you can learn this material, if you liked this material, then you can have a great career and technology and don't worry about the other stuff.