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Random Animal Stampeed

1. Create a spawn manager

  • In the Hierarchy, create an Empty object called “SpawnManager
  • Create a new script called “SpawnManager”, attach it to the Spawn Manager, and open it
  • Declare new public GameObject[ ] animalPrefabs;
  • In the Inspector, change the Array size to match your animal count, then assign your animals by dragging them from the Project window into the empty slots Note: Make sure you drag them from the Project window; not the Hierarchy! If you're going to spawn objects, you need to make sure you're using Prefabs, which are stored in the Project window.

2. Spawn an animal if S is pressed

  • In Update(), write an if-then statement to instantiate a new animal prefab at the top of the screen if S is pressed

  • Declare a new public int animalIndex and incorporate it in the Instantiate call, then test editing the value in the Inspector

3. Spawn random animals from an array

  • In the if-statement checking if S is pressed, generate a random int animalIndex between 0 and the length of the array

  • Remove the global animalIndex variable, since it is only needed locally in the if-statement

4. Randomize the spawn location

  • Replace the X value for the Vector3 with Random.Range(-20, 20), then test

  • Within the if-statement, make a new local Vector3 spawnPos variable 

  • At the top of the class, create private float variables for spawnRangeX and spawnPosZ

5. Change the perspective of the camera

  • Toggle between Perspective and Isometric view in the Scene view to appreciate the difference

  • Select the camera and change the Projection from “Perspective” to “Orthographic”

6. Lesson Recap

New Functionality
    • The player can press the S to spawn an animal

    • Animal selection and spawn location are randomized

    • Camera projection (perspective/orthographic) selected

New Concepts & Skills

    • Spawn Manager

    • Arrays

    • Keycodes

    • Random generation

    • Local vs Global variables

    • Perspective vs Isometric projections

Next Lesson

  • Using collisions to feed our animals!