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day 2 unity jr programercourse

Man the guy talks slowly, 
unit 1.1
important info

your home view if you will. it centers your camera on the object that you have selected.
god I love how smooooooooooooooothe these Phoenix switches are on my keyboard and wish I could just put them on my k3 but no ;-;

the f key enables focus mode, this is like when u double click the middle mouse button in fusion to get to a decent reference frame for your object/file. it is primarily used to lock onto an object in space to move the camera and make it work 

  • alt left click drag allows  you to rotate your camera around the object that you have selected
  • alt right-click drag allows you to zoom but idk if I like using it but hay information is information

I can't believe it's an 8-minute video explaining this to the user

unit 1.1-4
in the transform component of an object you can select the menu button and click reset to reset the cords to all default

apparently, in unity, it's commonly accepted knowledge that each unit is one metre. 

meaning yes my objects for my gnz project day 2/3 was indeed too big

they also tell us that we can rename the object in the component's window or in the hierarchy window 

this happened on accident but you can maximize a screen by doing shift+space
they also want us to name the obstacle of our choice obstacle

a 3.5 min video saying

ctrl+p starts/stops play mode

and play mode does not save your game state
if you click the arrows on the cube on the top right part of the scene thoe arrows will align your camera with the axis that you select.
also the circular tool by the move or pan tool is for rotation
the bottom one is for all types of transformation, scale rotation move 

uhhh the project folder area if you don't need to see the assets but just need to see file names/folder system the menu button for the project window has a 1 column layout for efficiency if you don't have the screen real estate for your desired view
also on the top right you can click layout and change the layout by clicking the presets, personally, I don't want to use those for what I'm doing but it might be useful for certain game layouts, troubleshooting or games you are making

you can also save custom layouts

omg, finally I can do 1.2 :D 
c# scripting?

just so its easier on other devs and you so it doesn't create problems down the line
because if u do it might cause problems coz of how its written
just name it what its intended to do
then make more 
or merge and fix the bugs

in the tutorial, u can just create a blank script in the project folder area and then drag it to the object but I can't? maybe it's a new unity thing
 you can just create one as a new component
c# = c sharp or .cs
in the line of code which apparently doesn't need a ;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
so the : kind of means x inherits from y
so, in this case, the 3rd word "PlayerController" inherits from the class "MonoBehaviour" 
so ig ill write in shorthand 
idrk what the tutorial guy means but the void is a method but sure ill go with it
    void Start() is called before the game starts (sort of) or before the first "frame"

    void Update() is called every "frame"

ofc // means everything is a comment on that line from that // mark
It's common practice to capitalize certain things and not capitalize others, ex.
code with capital letters means its class
but lowercase letters are components
        transform.Translate(0 , 0, 1);

so you write code in this way 


literally make it go vrooooomm and move forwards 
it uses x y z and its 1 unit per frame

okok so now

4.Use a Vector3 to move forward
is literally the same thing
but how do we make it so that its more than just along the z axis???
idk its just  shorthand for that
we use the Vector3 library ig

we can modify that code to be like 20m/s  with this
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * 20);

coz delta means change in y 
so delta time means change in time
so this means using the vector3 library we will move forward by 1 unit * 1 unit of time (second) * 20 
or 1 unit per second * 20
or 20 units per second
or 20u/s 
and since each unit is 1m 
its 20m/s

so now RigidBody's
they are component that means the object its assigned to are a physics object, we can give it gravity and other things with this
sphere colider and mesh colider make it a coliable object and has different ways of interacting with the player/ a given object
mass is done in kilos :D