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6.Exercise: Identify tools to support your project management and tracking

There are a variety of project management tools that can help you to identify and plan all the steps of a project . Products like Trello, Favro, Airtable,, Google Apps, Jira, and GitHub offer various features to support individuals and teams to plan and track their workstreams so that they execute and deliver on time. Many of these project management tools have templates that you can re-purpose to your particular project needs.


If you don’t already use one of these tools, take some time to investigate the options available to you and identify a tool to trial for your next project.

If you do already use one of these tools but it’s not quite right for you, this is a great opportunity to investigate whether there are new options or features available that might better support you elsewhere.

Share your experience

If you’ve had a great experience with a particular tool, or discovered a really useful tool in your research, share your insights in the comments to support other learners!