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9.Operations activities and retrospectives

Operations activities

The final phase of the production cycle, operations, includes work typically done after a product has been released to keep it running. Although operations activities generally don’t start until the release date, they should be identified and planned during pre-production. These activities include ongoing sales, monetization, updates, and continued maintenance.

Project retrospectives

Finally, a retrospective should be planned once the project is launched so that you (and your team, if there was one) can reflect back on the design and development process. Retrospectives help you identify areas that went well, areas that didn’t go well, and ways to improve for future projects.
One simple approach to conducting a retrospective can be to make a chart with three columns and identify things that you think you should:
    • Start doing
    • Stop doing
    • Continue doing 
There are lots of tools and frameworks available for organizing and facilitating retrospectives if you’d like to find something a little different that best suits your particular project.