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Wrap-up;Terms and definitions from Course 8, Module 3

You've had an opportunity to learn about the important role stakeholders play and different ways to communicate with them.
Let's review what we covered.
We started by defining stakeholders and their roles in protecting an organization.
We also explored the sensitive nature of communications with stakeholders and the importance of sharing that information with care and confidentiality.
Then, we discussed information that needs to be communicated to stakeholders.
After all, stakeholders are extremely busy, so we only want to share relevant information that they need to be aware of.
We ended our discussion by introducing various communications strategies, including emails, phone calls, and visual dashboards.
Understanding who the stakeholders are within your organization and how to communicate with them, will help you throughout your career as a security professional.
Be intentional about the strategies you use to communicate.
Remove unnecessary details from your communications, and be specific and precise when relaying information to stakeholders.
Stakeholders are depending on you, as a story-teller, to tell them the security story, or the potential issues and solutions, in a way that makes sense.
The communication strategies we discussed will help you stand out as someone who has a combination of technical and transferable skills.
Coming up, your instructor for the final sections of this course, Emily, will discuss a few ways to engage with the security community and how to find and apply for jobs in the security field.

Glossary terms from module 3

Stakeholder: An individual or a group that has an interest in any decision or activity of an organization

Visual dashboard: A way of displaying various types of data quickly in one place