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Wrap-up; Terms and definitions from Course 8, Module 4

Great job!
Now you've had an opportunity to learn about different ways to stay engaged with the security community.
Let's take a moment to review what we've covered.
First, we identified reliable security resources.
Then, we discussed different ways to engage with the security community.
We also explored the usefulness of social media to connect with other security professionals and stay informed about current topics of interest.
Finally, we shared ways to establish and advance a career in security, including following a CISO on social media or joining a professional organization.
We've come a long way in this journey.
You should be proud of your progress and how far you've come.
I'm certainly proud of you.
In the final section of this course, we'll take the time to prepare you for the job search and interviewing process.
How exciting is that!?


Glossary terms from module 4


OWASP Top 10: A globally recognized standard awareness document that lists the top 10 most critical security risks to web applications