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Tips for interviewing remotely

A remote interview is an interview conducted virtually using video platform software. This type of interview provides an opportunity to connect with hiring managers and recruiters, even if you are not able to meet with them in person. Remote interviews also present challenges that in-person interviews do not, such as issues related to technology, lighting, and sound.

In this reading, you will learn tips to successfully prepare for a remote interview.

Test your technology

The first tip is to test the technology you’ll be using for the video. Different companies use different video platform software to host their remote interviews. Typically, the recruiter or hiring manager will reach out to you over the phone or email to share information about which software will be used for the interview.

Once you find out which software the company you’re interviewing with uses, you should download that software, if you don't have it already. Next, it's important to test your computer’s camera and microphone to ensure they work well with the video platform software a day or two before the interview. This allows you to resolve any technical issues you might have.  Be mindful of how to mute and unmute your microphone, just in case there is noise in your environment that you do not want the interviewer to hear. It’s also important to talk with the recruiter or hiring manager about a backup plan if the technology does not cooperate when it's time for the interview.

You’ll also want to test any technologies you need to use to ensure you are ready to interview, such as the closed caption feature on the app. Employers are typically happy to accommodate your needs if you're using assistive technology or need specific accommodations. If your internet service is not fast enough to allow for a video interview, you can request a phone interview instead.

Practice communicating through video

Communicating through video can be a challenge because there is a slight sound delay. The sound delay can make it difficult to know how long to wait for someone to stop speaking and for you to start. If you don’t have experience communicating through video, consider practicing with friends and family before the remote interview. This will help you learn how pauses affect video communication.

Create a professional background

Review your video background before the interview. Typically, you should avoid having an unorganized background or any objects that might distract the interviewer. When interviewing remotely, ensure that your area is well lit. You might want to rearrange your desk or furniture to ensure good lighting.

Always try to have light behind your camera so that it will shine on your face. If you can’t position your desk next to a window or don’t have enough light coming from the window, consider using artificial light. 

Additionally, you should do your best to limit background noise and use a headset, if possible. 

Dress appropriately

It’s a good idea to research the company you’re interviewing with to determine which type of interview outfit is suitable. You might need to wear formal business attire during your remote interview for a particular role and company, whereas for another position, more casual clothing might be appropriate. Typically, it is better to overdress than to underdress, especially for more traditional businesses. 

Look at the interviewer when speaking

When communicating through video, try to look at the interviewer when speaking instead of at the camera. Looking at the interviewer can give them the feeling that you’re engaged in the conversation and focused on what they’re saying. 

Sign in early

Before the interview, test your technology. This will help you feel confident that everything will work. However, technology and software can be unpredictable. If possible, sign in to your remote interview early to ensure everything is working properly.

Signing in early also indicates to your interviewer that you respect their time and are a punctual person. 

Key takeaways

Follow the tips in this reading to become more confident with the remote interviewing process. Always test your technology before the interview to ensure it works well with the video platform software being used for the interview.