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Visual storytelling in cybersecurity

The ability to communicate threats, risks, vulnerabilities, or incidents and possible solutions is a valuable skill for security professionals.
In this video, we'll focus on various communication strategies that can help you engage with and convey key ideas to stakeholders.
Let's start with visuals.
The use of visuals to tell a security story can help you communicate impactful data and metrics.
Charts and graphs are particularly helpful for this.
They can be used to compare data points or show small parts of a larger issue.
Using relevant and detailed graphics can help you develop the story you want to tell stakeholders, so they can make decisions that would help protect the organization.
While visuals are a compelling way to capture the attention of your stakeholders, some issues are best explained in an email or even a phone call.
Be mindful of the sensitive information contained in these types of communications.
For security purposes, it's important to communicate sensitive information with care.
Be sure to follow the procedures outlined in your organization's playbooks and always make sure to send emails to the right email recipient, as it could create a risk if the wrong person receives confidential security information.
One challenging thing about emails is the potentially long wait time for response.
Stakeholders have many responsibilities.
This means they may sometimes miss an email, or fail to respond in a timely manner.
In these instances, a simple phone call or instant message may be a better option.
My experience in security has taught me that sometimes a simple instant message or call can help move a situation forward.
Direct communication is often better than waiting days or weeks for an email response to an issue that requires immediate attention.
When appropriate, take the initiative to follow up with a stakeholder if they haven't responded to an email in a timely manner.
It sounds simple, but a friendly call can often prevent a major issue from occurring.
It's important to stand out in the security profession, especially if you don't have previous experience in the industry.
Visual representations, emails, and phone calls are great ways to showcase your written and verbal communication skills.
The visual aspect shows your ability to put metrics and data together in an impactful way.
If you don't receive a timely response from a stakeholder, following up shows initiative.