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find table name and comumns definintion for SQL and variences

Standard SQL:
For databases that support the ANSI SQL standard and have the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views available, you can use the following query:
SELECT table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns;
you can append if you want to specify where
WHERE table_schema = 'your_database_name'; 
if you want Database-specific Queries: If you are working with a specific database system and the standard SQL approach doesn't work, you can try the following methods:


SELECT table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns;
DESCRIBE table_name;
 SELECT table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns;

SELECT name AS table_name, sql AS column_definition
FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type = 'table';

You would run this SQLite command when you want to list all the tables in your SQLite database along with their SQL schema.

SQLite keeps a system table, sqlite_master, where it stores metadata about the database. Each row of sqlite_master represents an object (table, index, etc.) in the database.

The columns are:

  • type: the type of the database object, such as 'table' or 'index'.
  • name: the name of the object.
  • tbl_name: the name of the table to which the object is associated. For a table, it's the same as name.
  • rootpage: the page number in the database file where the root B-tree page for the object is stored.
  • sql: the SQL statement that created the object.

This command specifies type = 'table' in the WHERE clause, so it only selects tables, not other types of objects like indices. For each table, it selects the name (renamed as table_name for clarity) and the SQL statement that created the table (as column_definition).

So this command is useful when you need to know the structure of all tables in your SQLite database, such as the table names and their corresponding column definitions. It's a handy tool for exploring a database when you don't have the schema in front of you or when you've inherited a database and need to understand its structure.