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SQL and Databases

Welcome to week 4; SQL and Databases

In the world of security, diversity is important. Diverse perspectives are often needed t...

Introduction to databases

Our modern world is filled with data and that data almost always guides us in making import...

SQL filtering versus Linux filtering

Previously, you explored the Linux commands that allow you to filter for specific information con...

Adedayo: SQL in cybersecurity

My name is Adedayo, and I'm a Security Engineer at Google. A lot of people think you need to ...

Basic queries

In this video, we're going to be running our very first SQL query! This query will be bas...

Query a database

Previously, you explored how SQL is an important tool in the world of cybersecurity and is essent...

find table name and comumns definintion for SQL and variences

Standard SQL: For databases that support the ANSI SQL standard and have the INFORMATION_SC...

Basic filters on SQL queries

One of the most powerful features of SQL is its ability to filter. In this video, we're g...

The WHERE clause and basic operators

Previously, you focused on how to refine your SQL queries by using the WHERE clause to filter res...

Filter dates and numbers

In this video, we're going to continue using SQL queries and filters, but now we're going t...

Operators for filtering dates and numbers

Previously, you examined operators like less than (<) or greater than (>) and explored how they c...

Filters with AND, OR, and NOT

In the previous lesson, we learned about even more ways to filter queries in SQL to work wi...

More on filters with AND, OR, and NOT

Previously, you explored how to add filters containing the AND, OR, and NOT operators to your SQL...

Join tables in SQL

You've already learned a lot about SQL queries and filters. Nice work! The last concept w...

Types of joins

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed working on inner joins. In the previous video and exerci...

Compare types of joins

Previously, you explored SQL joins and how to use them to join data from multiple tables when the...

Continuous learning in SQL

You've explored a lot about SQL, including applying filters to SQL queries and joining multiple t...

Wrap-up; Glossary terms from week 4

Congratulations! We've made it together through the end of our focus on SQL. You've put i...