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Linux Basics

Welcome to week 2; introduction to linux

Welcome back! We have another important topic to explore.Previously, you learned aboutoperating s...

Linux architecture

Let me start with a quick question that may seem unrelated to security. Do you have a fav...

Linux architecture explained

Understanding the Linux architecture is important for a security analyst. When you understand how...

Linux distributions

Let's learn a little bit more about Linux and what you need to know about this operating sy...


In this section, we're going to cover a Linux distribution that's widely used in security a...

More Linux distributions

Previously, you were introduced to the different distributions of Linux. This included KALI LINUX...

Package managers for installing applications

Previously, you learned about Linux distributions and that different distributions derive from di...

Vanilla os

i came accross vanilla os in a yt video and it appears to be realy interesting. i quite like gnom...

Nix OS

make page on nix os, alternative to vanilla os?

Resources for completing Linux labs

This course features hands-on lab activities where you’ll have the opportunity to practice Linux ...

Introduction to the shell

Welcome back! In this video, we're going to discuss the Linux shell. This part of the Lin...

Different types of shells

Knowing how to work with Linux shells is an important skill for cybersecurity professionals. Shel...

Input and output in the shell

Hello again! In this video, we're going to learn a little more about the shell and how to c...

Linux basics Wrap-up; Glossary terms from week 2

We've made it to the end of this section. Great work! Let's recap what you've just comp...