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some importable 3d modeling files

Unreal Engine supports a variety of file formats for importing 3D objects into the engine. Some of the most commonly used file formats include:

  • FBX: This is a popular file format for 3D models and animations, and it is widely supported by many 3D modeling software, including Fusion 360. FBX files can contain a wide range of information, including meshes, textures, and animations.

  • OBJ: This is another common file format that can be used to export 3D models from Fusion 360. OBJ files are typically used for static 3D models and do not support animations or other complex data.

  • Collada (DAE): This is an XML-based file format that is used to exchange 3D data between different applications. Fusion 360 supports Collada files, which can be imported into Unreal Engine

  • 3DS: This is a file format that is commonly used for 3D models, especially in older software applications. It can be imported into Unreal Engine, but it may not support all of the features of more modern file formats like FBX.

  • OBJ: it does support texturing when imported into Unreal Engine. it can include texture coordinates and material information for the 3D model. When importing an OBJ file the engine will attempt to import any texture and material information that is included in the file. However, it's important to note that OBJ files may have limitations when it comes to texture and material support, compared to other file formats. For example, OBJ files may not support advanced material features like vertex color or transparency, and they may require additional setup or optimization in order to display correctly in the game engine.