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how do i make a hole in an existing object?

To make a hole in an existing object in Unreal Engine, you can use the boolean operations available in the software. 

  1. Create a new actor that will serve as the hole in your object. You can create a simple cube or any other shape that fits your needs.
  2. Place the actor inside the object where you want the hole to be.
  3. Select both the object and the actor and right-click on them. Choose "Create Static Mesh from Actors" in the menu that appears.
  4. In the new static mesh asset that has been created, select the object and the actor again and right-click on them. Choose "Add to Boolean" and select "Subtract".
  5. In the Details panel, adjust the settings of the boolean operation until the hole appears in the object as desired. You may need to adjust the position and size of the actor to get the desired effect.
  6. Once you are happy with the result, you can delete the actor you used to create the hole, and you will be left with a modified static mesh asset that has a hole in it.
  • With this technique, you can create holes in any type of object.
  •  Just make sure that the object you are modifying is a static mesh asset, as this is required for boolean operations to work.