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Robin: Foster cross-team collaboration

  My name is Robin, and I am the program management lead for the Red Team at Google.
 I would say teamwork might be the most important skill for people who work in cybersecurity.
 The collaborative culture is to understand that everybody brings a unique perspective and a useful perspective and useful skills.
 What it is about teamwork is that these problems are hard.
 These problems are complex.
 The bad actors out there are smart, they're well resourced, and they're really motivated.
 So they're constantly coming up with new ways to do the activities that they want to do.
 It takes people with all kinds of perspectives, all kinds of problem solving skills, all kinds of knowledge to come together to understand what has happened, and how we can defend against it.
 When you're working as part of a team, one of the things to expect is that you should share information freely with your colleagues and that they'll share information freely with you.
 At the beginning and in the confusing part of responding to incidents, all information is useful.
 So expect to dive right in, share everything you know and listen to the things people around you say, so that we come out with the best solutions as quickly as we can.
 Very soon after I got into the role that I am in now, we experienced a very significant incident.
 A vulnerability was discovered in a library that was used in many, many different places on the Internet and the vulnerability was significant.
 I was part of the team that came together to respond to that, and that team that came together, we set up response process that involved 24/7 coverage using our colleagues all around the world.
 The end result of the amazing teamwork that we experienced was, first of all, we were able to manage the vulnerability.
 But more importantly, it's the way the team came together afterward.
 And it's the way people still talk about how our great team work brought us closer to our colleagues, meant that our team works better together than it did before, meant that these teamwork aspects, they're all things that we do so well now.
 We all feel like we've been through something together and that we came out stronger on the other side.
 As you go through the certificate, you might learn that cybersecurity is tricky or it's hard but don't give up.
 The more you learn, the more you're going to enjoy it.
 So stay with it, learn everything you can, and you're going to have a great career.