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Query for events with Splunk

Now that we've reviewed how a SIEM works, let's learn how to search and query events in a SIEM database.
Data that's been imported into a SIEM can be accessed by entering queries into the SIEM's search engine.
Massive amounts of data can be stored in a SIEM database.
Some of this data may date back years.
This can make searching for security events challenging.
For example, let's say you're searching to find a failed login event.
You search for the event using the keywords: failed login.
This is a very broad query, which can return thousands of results.
Broad search queries like this, slow down the response times of a search engine since it's searching across all the indexed data.
But, if you specify additional parameters, like an event ID and a date and time range, you can narrow down the search to get faster results.
It's important that search queries are specific, so that you can find exactly what you're looking for and save time in the search process.
Different SIEM tools use different search methods.
For example, Splunk uses its own query language called Search Processing Language, or SPL for short.
SPL has many different search options you can use to optimize search results, so that you can get the data you're looking for.
For now, I'll demonstrate a raw log search in Splunk Cloud for events that reference errors or failures for a fictional online store called Buttercup Games.
First, we'll use the search bar to type in our query: buttercupgames error OR fail* This search is specifying the index, which is buttercupgames.
We also specify the search terms: error OR fail.
The Boolean operator OR ensures that both of the keywords will be searched.
The asterisk at the end of the term fail* is known as a wildcard.
This means it will search for all possible endings that contain the term fail.
This helps us expand our search results because events may label failures differently.
For example, some events may use the term failed.
Next, we'll select a time range using the time range picker.
Remember, the more specific our search is, the better.
Let's search for data from the last 30 days.
Under the search bar, we have our search results.
There's a timeline, which gives us a visual representation of the number of events over a period.
This can be helpful in identifying event patterns such as peaks in activity.
Under the timeline, there's the events viewer, which gives us a list of events that match our search.
Notice how our search terms: buttercupgames and error are highlighted in each event.
It doesn't appear that any events matching with the term fail were found.
Each event has a timestamp and raw logged data.
For the events with errors, it appears that there's an error relating to the HTTP cookies used in the Buttercup Games website.
At the bottom of the raw log data, there's some information related to the data source, including the host name, source, and source type.
This information tells us where the event data originated from such as a device or file.
If we click on it, we can choose to exclude it from the search results.
On the search bar, we can examine that the search terms have been changed and host!=www1 has been added, which means not to include www1 hosts.
Notice that the new search results do not contain www1 as a host, but contain www2 and www3.
This is just one of the many ways that you can target your searches to retrieve information you're looking for.
This search is known as a raw log search.
As a security analyst, you'll use different commands to optimize search performance for faster search results.
That completes querying in Splunk.
You've learned the importance of effective queries and how to perform a basic Splunk search.
Coming up, you'll learn how to query events in Chronicle.