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Rebecca: Learn new tools and technologies

I am Rebecca, I'm a security engineer at Google, and I focus in identity management.
The best part of the job is probably thinking like an attacker.
I love that part of seeing how can I break stuff, seeing a system and figuring out how can I get into it.
If I was a bad guy, what would I be wanting?
What would I be looking for?
How would I find the credentials?
How would I find the machine that's useful, and get onto it?
My first day in security, we were learning a new tool.
The whole organization was in a training, and they're like, we're going to throw you in.
It's a one week training to learn a network analyzer.
I didn't know anything about networks, let alone network security, or what this thing was going to be used for.
And so I was very overwhelmed, because I felt like I was an imposter sitting in somebody's seat who should belong there.
And learning stuff way over my head.
I pushed through it by asking a lot of questions, and setting aside that feeling like I should know things, because I've never been exposed to it at that point.
The only way I'm going to know is if I ask.
So, this course has a lot of tools, and covers a lot of information.
And it can be very easy to be overwhelmed, in fact, I probably would be as well.
There's a lot of information that you can take in.
I think of learning in a course like this, where there's a series of courses for you to learn, that it's like climbing a mountain.
You've gotten so far up the mountain, and the air gets thin, and, yes, it is difficult.
You feel overwhelmed, but you're almost to the top.
And know that when you get to the top, you're going to have an amazing view of the world.
And that's the same thing of when you finish these courses.
Your frame of mind and how you view things and your capabilities, your potential for finding new jobs, or changing careers is that much better.