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1.0.1-1.0.2 Why Should I Take This Module and what will i learn?

[FORGOTTEN] CISCO DIVD Academy Ethical ...

1.0.1 Why Should I Take This Module? ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


[FORGOTTEN] CISCO DIVD Academy Ethical ...

i started ripping this course on August 30th of 2023  so some things may be a bit ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Welcome to the Ethical Hacker Course

[FORGOTTEN] CISCO DIVD Academy Ethical ...

i started ripping this course on August 30th of 2023  so some things may be a bit different ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Course wrap-up

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Congratulations on making it through the end of this course! I can hardly believe...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Terms and definitions from Course 5

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Cybersecurity Glossary A Access controls: Security controls that manage access, authorization, ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Wrap-up; terms and definitions from course 5, week 1

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Well done! You made it to the end of this section! Being a security practitioner takes co...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Wrap-up; terms and definitions from course 5, week 4

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Managing threats is a major part of what security professionals do. In this part of the cou...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Traits of an effective threat model

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Threat modeling is the process of identifying assets, their vulnerabilities, and how each is expo...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

PASTA: The Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Let's finish exploring threat modelling by taking a look at real-world scenarios. This ti...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Chantelle: The value of diversity in cybersecurity

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

My name is Chantelle. I'm a Security Engineer here at Google, and I am part of the security...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

A proactive approach to security

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Preparing for attacks is an important job that the entire security team is responsible for....

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Prevent injection attacks; SQL injection categories

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Previously, you learned that Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language used to cr...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Exploitable gaps in databases

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Let's keep exploring injection and attacks by investigating another common type of web ba...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Previously, we explored a few types of malware. Whether it's installed on an individual c...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

The rise of cryptojacking

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Malware has been around nearly as long as computers. In its earliest forms, it was used...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

An introduction to malware

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Previously, you learned that malware is software designed to harm devices or networks. Since its ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Malicious software

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

People and computers are very different from one another. There's one way that we're alik...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Types of phishing

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Phishing is one of the most common types of social engineering, which are manipulation techniques...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Phishing for information

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Cybercriminals prefer attacks that do the most amount of damage with the least amount of ef...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Social engineering tactics

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Social engineering attacks are a popular choice among threat actors. That’s because it’s often ea...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai