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free intensive cloud training (scam)

Updated 2 weeks ago by naruzkurai


ctf toolkit

grep "word" ./file.extension /hping 3 wireshark nmap dragon os (debian based radio hacking tu...

Updated 3 weeks ago by naruzkurai

pcu-what if pokemon existed

idk man just random stuff`

non world into pokeverse -> pokeverse ffta style, but still in the pcu taurosia. player character...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

py scripts from other repo's that i use (need to add to my repo)

nzk-scripts #!/bin/python # # can be fo...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

command tricks

ctf toolkit

powershell icacls ./file PS C:\Log-Management> icacls .\job.bat.\job.bat BUILTIN\Users:(F...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

Steps to implement Hands-on Project - Mission 1

free intensive cloud training (scam)

body { background: #fff } body.dark { background: #191919 } @keyframes startup-shimmer-animat...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

free intensive cloud training (scam)

MultiCloud & DevOps Bootcamp - The Cloud Bootcamp img.wp-smile...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

apparently terms of participation

free intensive cloud training (scam) Terms and Conditions - The Cloud Boot...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

Intensive Cloud Training - Mission 1

free intensive cloud training (scam)

Drag image to reposition     Inten...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

Intensive Cloud Training - Mission 2

free intensive cloud training (scam)

      Intensive Cloud Training - Mission 2 Welcome to t...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

Intensive Cloud Training - Mission 3

free intensive cloud training (scam)

  Intensive Cloud Training - Mission 3 Welcome to the T...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

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naru logs


Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

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cool stuff

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

install log fail


┌──(kali㉿kali)-[~]└─$ cd nzk-apps                                                                ...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai



#!/bin/bash #nzk-app-add #i use kali linux # Check for at least one argument if [ "$#" -lt 1 ...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai


Naru's work

#summery2{color: black;} #Aboutme{ color: eeefff; border-radius: 0 0 10px...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu

[ACTIVE] FreeCodeCamp

:root { --color-primary: #4d2278; --color-primary-light: rgba(7...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

notes, (needs to be manually updated from time to time)

[ACTIVE] FreeCodeCamp

-Key: Red: Important Concepts to understand  Pink: Important technical keywords  B...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

gobuster Quirks

[Active] leet code/ctf

add this encase it just times out when u use vhost -append-domain needs to be installed f...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai

Building a cat photo app: Responsive web design

[ACTIVE] FreeCodeCamp

CatPhotoApp CatPhotoApp Cat Photos ...

Updated 1 month ago by naruzkurai