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py scripts from other repo's that i use (need to add to my repo)

# can be found on crypto cat's repo, 
# sudo apt-get install python3 masscan nmap
# This script will take in Masscan results and produce an output which can be fed into NMap

# Save your Masscan result as mscan.txt then run this script to produce nmap.txt then you can run:
# while read item; do sudo nmap -sV -sC -sS -sU $item; done < nmap.txt; rm mscan.txt nmap.txt

# If you want to export to .xml file you can use the following command and then later use this script to merge files:
# while read item; do filename=$(echo $item | grep -o "^\S*"); sudo nmap -O -sV -sC -sS -sU $item -oX $filename.xml; done < nmap.txt

import re
from socket import inet_aton
from os import path

regex = re.compile(r"Discovered open port (\d+)\/(udp|tcp) on (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", re.I)

ip_list = {}

with open(path.abspath('mscan.txt')) as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        port = regex.match(line).group(1)
        protocol = regex.match(line).group(2)
        ip = regex.match(line).group(3)

        # Add the IP to dictionary if it's not already
        except KeyError:
            ip_list[ip] = {}

        # Add protocol to dictionary if it's not already
        except KeyError:
            ip_list[ip][protocol] = []

        # Append the port to the list

with open(path.abspath('nmap.txt'), 'a') as f:
    sorted_ips = sorted(ip_list.items(), key=lambda item: inet_aton(item[0]))
    for ip, protocols in sorted_ips:
        udp_ports = ""
        tcp_ports = ""

        # Check to see if any UDP ports were found
            for port in protocols['udp']:
                udp_ports += port + ','
        except KeyError:

        # Check to see if any TCP ports were found
            for port in protocols['tcp']:
                tcp_ports += port + ','
        except KeyError:

        # Print IP and ports to file ready for NMap scan
        if udp_ports and tcp_ports:
            line = ip + ' -p U:' + udp_ports + 'T:' + tcp_ports
        elif udp_ports:
            line = ip + ' -p U:' + udp_ports
        elif tcp_ports:
            line = ip + ' -p T:' + tcp_ports
        f.write(line + '\n')