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Universe 2 ideas

Theres an assassin attempt on a royal family
It all goes perfectly to plan except for one thing

Noone knows that they are literally harbingers of death.

They act asif they are human all the untill the moment they get stabbed

Just as knife is about to touch the flesh
Ther whole body starts to transform like transformers style

When the knife would touch the flesh it's actually Destroyed my the machine they are. Instead of blood gushing its the liquid moltan metal of the knife then the flesh of the hands thands that dared to hold the knife

The attack on like mother father and children all happen simotanioisly in different rooms

Lowa — 05/19/2024 7:12 AM

how did the harbingers of death become a royal family
sounds like an interesting premise

Plato; NaruZkurai — 05/19/2024 12:18 PM
My thought is they are born into it or married into it

How they became harbingers of death if not born with it id asume would be a contract with rules being along the lines of   first born or second born only gets to maintain contract and immediate loved ones of the contract are protected or transormed

im the villain of my own story
Just wait
He exists pre this universe
He gets the pact from previous universe
And creates the liniage
Hes legit nano machine based
A universe dieing is the ultimate death
And canonically NARUZKURAI is the 1st universe's last birth
Ive been trying to figure out why NARUZKURAI is stronger than goku
You try to blast him with energy and i just eat it

Plato; NaruZkurai — Today at 5:38 AM
NaruZkurai has to kill the aspect of ballence
theres no other way

Plato; NaruZkurai — 03/07/2024 2:00 AM
What if u used the contract system to create a soft system via idk power donation to create a more flowy system
[2:00 AM]
Soft or hard

Plato; NaruZkurai — 03/07/2024 2:47 AM
I want
To be the boss in a bossfight
Like she fake looses
She like
But magical contract she re matredalizes
And goes
My death?
Not now
Then kinda rematerializes as a dustly/shadowy version of herself (as she is the bain character)
"Contracts... they.... must never.... be broken... Broken I cannot a multiverse of people perish..."
I have one last card up my sleeves kinda thing
"All the evil ive done. Has been for moments like this. When someone tries to stop me from destroying the true evil that you couldn't fathom. Or if it tries to stop me..."
Then kindof a alchemy circle appears
"Give me form......... My true form..... Even for only a moment...." Her body gets stitched together by shadows and like squeshes and stretches into a like scratchy/cloth like texture
"I call.... For you.... It's your turn...."
Its the 4th dimentional being she made a pact with
" its what you see... Not what i am.... TAKE I"

And moves realy fast and starts slashing mith them  and the princes try to defend
Their shields... Their weapons.. everything breaks
As the twins try to figure out wtf just went on they like have 2 talk it out to figure what to do

And yara says
Something like
You can  either enter into a contract with me
Or die like eweryone else
And her shadowy figure turns into a painting or tv idk of the ones who have tried to do this to her in the past and didnt comply.

Its simple realy
5% of your souls so i can live in the physical world
Or your death. You just" killed" "me" so i think its a fair trade we couldve just talked it out like the civilized do. Ill even bring you back in time to convince yourselves to not do this. And when you do. You mill have still given away 5% of your soul as tax for murder and time travel. But i wont have died" (edited)

Lowa — 03/07/2024 8:44 AM
wtf zac op
its cool btu what the drawback
it just seems op

Plato; NaruZkurai — 03/07/2024 9:32 AM
She dies in the end
She's technically not entirely under her own control
Her will is only partially herself