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On the day of the second summer solstice, the tension in the Teyvor household was palpable. Leyt and Jeyt had been excited to go out and play with their friends, but their parents had been hesitant to let them go. They had heard rumors of children going missing on this day, never to be seen again. But Leyt and Jeyt had begged and pleaded, and eventually their parents relented.

As the sun began to set, the parents waited anxiously for their children to return home. But as the hours ticked by and the sky grew darker, they grew increasingly worried. When it was well past bedtime and the children still hadn't come home, the parents set out to search for them.

After an exhaustive search, they found Jeyt, bruised and battered, in a clearing not far from their home. He was barely conscious and couldn't remember much of what had happened. All he could tell them was that he and Leyt had been taken by the blood witch, a fearsome figure from the myths and legends of their world.

Jeyt's parents were devastated to hear this news. They had always feared the blood witch, but they never imagined that she would come for their children. As they tended to Jeyt's wounds and tried to coax more information out of him, they couldn't help but cry at the thought of Leyt, their sweet and innocent daughter, being in the clutches of the wicked blood witch.

As Jeyt slowly regained his strength, he told them more about his time with the blood witch. He spoke of a fantastical world filled with magic and wonder, but also of the cruel and manipulative ways of the blood witch. And in the end, he told them that Leyt had decided to stay with the blood witch, to learn magic and become her apprentice.

The Teyvor parents were heartbroken at this news. They couldn't bear the thought of never seeing their beloved Leyt again, and the thought of her being under the influence of the blood witch was almost too much to bear. But they knew that there was nothing they could do, and they could only hope that one day Leyt would come back to them, safe and sound.