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3. Instantiation

The first thing we must do is give the projectile some forward movement so it can zip across the scene when it’s launched by the player.

1.Make the projectile fly forwards

  • Create a new “MoveForward” script, attach it to the food object, then open it
  • Declare a new public float speed variable;
  • In Update(), add transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed);, then save
  • In the Inspector, set the projectile’s speed variable, then test
using UnityEngine;

public class Pizza_gun : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject Ammo;

    public float Weapon_Bullet_Projectile_Speed = 60.0f;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Ammo = GetComponent<GameObject>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * Weapon_Bullet_Projectile_Speed);

  • Create a new “Prefabs” folder, drag your food into it, and choose Original Prefab
  • In PlayerController.cs, declare a new public GameObject projectilePrefab; variable
  • Select the Player in the hierarchy, then drag the object from your Prefabs folder onto the new Projectile Prefab box in the inspector
  • Try dragging the projectile into the scene at runtime to make sure they fly
  • I added the ammo = get component thing for maybe powerups
  • In PlayerController.cs, in Update(), add an if-statement checking for a spacebar press: if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {}
  • Inside the if-statement, add a comment saying that you should // Launch a projectile from the player
  • Inside the if-statement, use the Instantiate method to spawn a projectile at the player’s location with the prefab’s rotation
  • Select all three animals in the hierarchy and Add Component > Move ForwardRotate all animals on the Y axis by 180 degrees to face down
  • Edit their speed values and test to see how it looks
  • Drag all three animals into the Prefabs folder, choosing “Original Prefab”
  • Test by dragging prefabs into scene view during gameplay
using UnityEngine;

public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
    private float speed = 10.0f;
    private float xRange = 10.0f;
    private float horizontalInput;
    public GameObject ProjectilePrefab;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        // Calculate the desired position based on the input
        Vector3 desiredPosition = transform.position + Vector3.right * -horizontalInput * Time.deltaTime * speed;
        // Clamp the desired position within the x range
        float clampedX = Mathf.Clamp(desiredPosition.x, -xRange, xRange);
        desiredPosition = new Vector3(clampedX, desiredPosition.y, desiredPosition.z);
        // Move the object to the clamped position
        transform.position = desiredPosition;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            // shoot pizza
            Instantiate(ProjectilePrefab, transform.position, ProjectilePrefab.transform.rotation);




5.Make animals into prefabs

  • Rotate all animals on the Y axis by 180 degrees to face down/ towards the player
  • Select all three animals in the hierarchy and Add Component > Move Forward
  • Edit their speed values and test to see how it looks
  • Drag all three animals into the Prefabs folder, choosing “Original Prefab”
  • Test by dragging prefabs into scene view during gameplay