Unity-Devlog: code name gnz a ggz clone (at first)
omg i have to do unity now instead of unreal engine and I'm now more confused than unreal engine
unity make a menu, the basics
dev log, NZK's GNZ day 1 make a game scene and a menu scene IDK how to make an empty...
dev log, NZK's GNZ day 2
Sooo, that unity basic guide.yeah, that was day 1/2 making a main menu n stuff.I used one of my...
unity basic c# script and how to use
this is technically day 1.5, it shoudlve worked day one but I only got it to work on day 2 the sy...
devlog day3
uhhh i slept 20 hrs didnt get much done in the idk hour or 2 that i tried getting thigns to wo...