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Sandavis desertus and the myth i belive is connected to it -reimon

The "Sandbird" (Sandavis desertus), also known as the "Desert Runner," is a species of reptile found in the deserts of Taurosia. It belongs to the family Sandbirdidae, order Reptilia, and genus Sandavis.
The Sandbird is a creature most peculiar, possessing characteristics of both birds and reptiles. Physically, it is similar to a feathered creature, standing at 2ft in height, with plumage the color of the sands in its natural habitat, providing camouflage most excellent. It has a  short and sharp beak for hunting small rodents and insects. Its large wings allow it to glide above the sands most hot for great distances in search of nourishment and hydration. The Sandbird possesses a body most compact with legs most short and a tail most long, allowing for turns most sharp and maneuverability most improved. Its eyes are large and dark, providing vision most excellent for spotting prey and avoiding predators.
The Sandbird has a high tolerance for heat and can survive in temperatures reaching up to 85  degrees Celsius. It can endure long periods without hydration by extracting moisture from the sustenance it consumes. It is most active during the day when the desert's heat is at its peak. They can dig holes several meters deep and create nests akin to caves for nesting.
The eggs of the Sandbird are the same color as the sands of their natural habitat, making them difficult to spot. It has a lifespan of approximately 10,000 years and is a solitary creature, only coming together during the mating season. However, it does form packs during the solstice to hunt dragons. It can run at 100kmph and jump up to 20m high. Although it's incapable of flying, it can glide for thousands of meters. They keep themselves cool by sweating and making their feathers move to allow for cooling most optimal.
The diet of the Sandbird consists mainly of insects, small rodents, and lizards. It has a call most distinctive that can be heard up to 20km in the desert and has a sense of smell most keen, which it uses to locate nourishment and hydration. The territory of the Sandbird spans 100km and can be as large as 300km. The Sandbird is a symbol of resilience because it can survive and thrive in one of the harshest environments on Taurosia.
Ancient Taurosian myth tells of a magical dragon reminiscent of modern-day Sandbirds, known to many as Flamingfeather.
It possesses immense speed and the characteristics of both birds and reptiles. It is known for its plumage of color of shiny molten copper but also dull green oxidized copper camouflaging itself in the green sand. Its wingspan is two times larger than its body. It flies high above the sands. Its tail is as long as the longest snake with fan-like feathers on the tip. Its eyes are large and darker than night.
It only appears during the day when the temperatures are extreme. Running and flying at insane speeds can be a sign of sandstorms to come or an oasis nearby. Summoning craters meters deep to create an oasis to nest in, they dive into the underwater caves at night. Fierce and dangerous, it's known for using its fiery breath to melt the walls of its crater to keep the water from leaking into the surrounding sand. This unique power, known to many as the "Flaming Feathers," creates caves and channels in the desert sands. It battles dragons on full moons. The heat of its breath is so intense that it can even evaporate metals. It has the magic to bend and shape the molten metal to its will. 
Legends of great rulers wield weapons from their magic-embued metals.
It is known to be sacred and believed to possess the power to bring forth water and create fertile land within the desert. Legends tell of leaders bonding and taming them. They obtained control of the elements and brought prosperity to their people and decimation to other lands. Many have tried to capture and tame one but have failed. The creatures are elusive and fierce, and their fiery breath makes them impossible to handle.
Many desert wanderers look for the paths created by the flaming feathers to find food, water, and shelter. In myth, it became a vital part of the desert ecosystem. Not only is it a symbol of life in the desert but a reminder of the harsh and unforgiving nature of the desert.