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Counting in kuroik

In the Kuroik language, counting is done in a hexadecimal system, which means it uses base 16 instead of base 10 like in the decimal system. Here's how you count from 0 to 17:

Remember to add 'arn at the end of the number to indicate that it is a number and not another word. For example, seventeen would be "tsukutsi'arn".

0 - nansi'arn
1 - tsi'arn
2 - veyi'arn
3 - kryi'arn
4 - nahsi'arn
5 - shruki'arn
6 - jyri'arn
7 - svori'arn
8 - navri'arn
9 - ytki'arn
A - nosi'arn
B - ga'ki'arn
C - oki'arn
D - trizi'arn
E - ktsi'arn
F - kktisi'arn
10 - ts'uku'arn
11 - ts'uku'tsi'arn
100 - ts'hyi'arn
1000 - ts'hiri'arn
10000 - ts'uku'hiri'arn
100000 - ts'hyi'hiri'arn

For the second digit place (equivalent to the "tens" place in decimal), you remove the "i" from the number and add "uku".
For example, 32 (which is written as 20 in hexadecimal) would be "veyuku'arn".

For the third digit place (equivalent to the "hundreds" place in decimal), you remove the "i" from the number and add "hyi". 
For example, 256 (which is written as 100 in hexadecimal) would be "ts'hyi'arn".

For the fourth digit place (equivalent to the "thousands" place in decimal), you remove the "i" from the number and add "hiri". For example, 4096 (which is written as 1000 in hexadecimal) would be "ts'hiri'arn".

here are the suffixes without 'arn just to be more visuially easy on the eyes

And heres how to count in kuroik

0 - nansi
1 - tsi
2 - veyi
3 - kryi
4 - nahsi
5 - shruki
6 - jyri
7 - svori
8 - navri
9 - ytki
A - nosi
B - ga'ki
C- oki
D - trizi
E - ktsi
F - kktisi
10 - ts'uku
11 - ts'uku'tsi
100 = ts'hyi
1000 = ts'hiri
10000 - ts'uku'hiri
100000 - ts'hyi'hiri

this is how you count in hexadecimal 

1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = A
11 = B
12 = C
13 = D
14 = E
15 = F
16 = 10
17 = 11