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810 total results found

PG. 1

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

i am creating a book that im writing called the book titled: NaruZKurai's Noctyx Fantasy, The Kuroik Saga. a create a few names and describe there appearance. the current location is the protagonist's home is a castle, on a large island nation the size of Aust...

pg. 2

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

Maxx   page 2   I apologize, but I'm not sure what you mean by "page 2." Could you please provide more context or clarification on what you are asking?       Maxx   i have created a book and everything said previously was put in that page. what should...

Page 3

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

Page 3 Page 3 of your book could cover the geography and history of the planet Torosia, including the torosiac eclipses and the effects they have on the planet and its inhabitants. You could also explore the different regions and cultures of the planet, inc...


Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

This book is intended to just log all diologue with mysef or chat gpt period. The name is super unknown its just a mockup still Im creating a game/book and this book is the precursor to the actual book.  Chapter 0 : inital brainstorming the things needed to ...

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Kuroik its just random thoughts Chapter 1, myth

We are born from the blood of a draconic god, an 8 headed dragon, Nykveru god of ××××× was the guardian of ××××× In navæ  The anciont kuroik tongue died out replaced with the mountain eaters

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Blood Witch rumors and short stories

What people know The blood witch is a powerful and ancient being known in many cultures through myths. One such myth tells of children disappearing on the summer solstice, rumored to be consumed by the blood witch in order to extend her own lifespan. Some chi...

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Blood Witch rumors and short stories

What one kuroik Prince thinks he knows about me one of the sibblings was named Zorin and the other was named Nyralis,  Nyralis read the book titled the 6 witches of the scorching sands. There wasnt much information about me, It was short because I keep my id...

Page 3

Blood Witch rumors and short stories

What most people think of me The blood witch is a being with immense magical power who has been known to kidnap children from various cultures and factions across Taurosia. It is said that she consumes the blood of these children in order to extend her own ...

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Blood Witch rumors and short stories

From the first few expiraments, i asked a few parrents what they think of the blood witch. As a parent, it is my duty to protect my child from harm. But against a powerful being like the blood witch, what can I do? All I can do is hope and pray that my child ...

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Blood Witch rumors and short stories

Stories of a mother after the 100th solestice As the mother waited for her child to return home from the summer solstice rite of passage, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in her stomach. It had been three days since her son had left, and t...

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Blood Witch rumors and short stories

The first child of mine to truely to break free of my illusions.  I think it was after the 150th solestice. As the sun rose on the summer solstice, Jack sat on the porch of his small cottage, staring out at the fields beyond. He had always been an early rise...

i have gpt4 plugins so i used them to make gpt4 read all the kuroik lore :D

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3

ok so based off of all this who is yara? ChatGPT Yara is a central character in the world of Kuroik and the Blood Witch saga. She is the Blood Witch herself, a figure of immense magical power and fear across Taurosia. Yara...

Making the blood witch

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

    Maxx  Phones on but magic It's not clear what you are asking. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?             Maxx Page 4What if there were celphone like devices powered my technomancy how do you think they would be ...


Blood Witch rumors and short stories

On the day of the second summer solstice, the tension in the Teyvor household was palpable. Leyt and Jeyt had been excited to go out and play with their friends, but their parents had been hesitant to let them go. They had heard rumors of children going missin...

fix combine yara first culling

Blood Witch sort/fix

Yara was born in a small village on the outer portion of Torosia, where magic was highly frowned upon and those who possessed it were often ostracized or worse. Despite this, Yara had always been drawn to the power of magic and spent much of her childhood stud...

trying to do right where i have wronged

Blood Witch sort/fix

As the blood witch, I have caused countless deaths in my quest for power. I can never be forgiven for what I have done. At first, I told myself that I was simply trying to make people stronger, but in reality, it was just an excuse for my own greed. Now, I ...

the kuroik move to earth, meeting them for the first time

Blood Witch sort/fix

As I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my black tuxedo and red tie, I couldn't help but notice how my once brilliant green eyes were now a deep, crimson red, like human blood. I ran my hand over my horns, which had taken on a more jagged appearance over ...


Blood Witch poems

As a young scientist, I was full of hope and ambition, Ready to take on the world and make a difference. I woke up each morning with a smile on my face, Determined to use my skills and knowledge to change the world.   Every day was a new adventure, ...


Blood Witch poems

As the years pass by, The memories fade away, But one thing always stays, The guilt that never strays. I was once a young doctor, Full of hope and ambition, Helping others live longer, Bringing joy to their life's honor. But as time moved on, I be...


Blood Witch poems

As the solstices pass, the name 'Blood Witch' becomes more and more feared, A label given to me by a society that does not understand. They call me a vampire, an evil sorceress,   Draining the life of their children, leaving them with only illusions for me...