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948 total results found

Query a database

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored how SQL is an important tool in the world of cybersecurity and is essential when querying databases. You examined a few basic SQL queries and keywords used to extract needed information from a database. In this reading, you’ll review t...

find table name and comumns definintion for SQL and variences

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Standard SQL: For databases that support the ANSI SQL standard and have the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views available, you can use the following query: SELECT table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns; you can append if you want to spe...

Basic filters on SQL queries

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

One of the most powerful features of SQL is its ability to filter. In this video, we're going to learn how this helps us make better queries and select more specific pieces of data from a database. Filtering is selecting data that m...

The WHERE clause and basic operators

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you focused on how to refine your SQL queries by using the WHERE clause to filter results. In this reading, you’ll further explore how to use the WHERE clause, the LIKE operator and the percentage sign (%) wildcard. You’ll also be introduced to the...

Filter dates and numbers

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In this video, we're going to continue using SQL queries and filters, but now we're going to apply them to new data types. First, let's explore the three common data types that you will find in databases: string, numeric, and date and time. String ...

Operators for filtering dates and numbers

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you examined operators like less than (<) or greater than (>) and explored how they can be used in filtering numeric and date and time data types. This reading summarizes what you learned and provides new examples of using operators in filters. Nu...

Filters with AND, OR, and NOT

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In the previous lesson, we learned about even more ways to filter queries in SQL to work with some typical security analyst tasks. However, when working with real security questions, we often have to filter for multiple conditions. Vulnerabilities, f...

More on filters with AND, OR, and NOT

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored how to add filters containing the AND, OR, and NOT operators to your SQL queries. In this reading, you'll continue to explore how these operators can help you refine your queries. Logical operators AND, OR, and NOT allow you to filte...

Join tables in SQL

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

You've already learned a lot about SQL queries and filters. Nice work! The last concept we're introducing in this section is joining tables when querying a database. This is helpful when you need information from two different tables in a database. ...

Types of joins

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed working on inner joins. In the previous video and exercises, we saw how inner joins can be useful by only returning records that share a value in specify columns. However, in some situations, we might need all of the ...

Compare types of joins

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored SQL joins and how to use them to join data from multiple tables when these tables share a common column. You also examined how there are different types of joins, and each of them returns different rows from the tables being joined. In...

Continuous learning in SQL

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

You've explored a lot about SQL, including applying filters to SQL queries and joining multiple tables together in a query.  There's still more that you can do with SQL. This reading will explore an example of something new you can add to your SQL toolbox: agg...

Wrap-up; Glossary terms from week 4

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Congratulations! We've made it together through the end of our focus on SQL. You've put in a lot of work and learned an important tool that will help you on your journey as a security analyst. Let's take a moment to go through all of the topics you l...

Course wrap-up

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

You made it to the end of this course! Congratulations—you did it! I hope you are proud of all you learned. The focus of this course was computing basics. Understanding the basics of computing is a valuable skill as you transition into your c...

Introduction to Course 5

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

What do you picture when you think about the security field? This might make you think of a dark room with people hunched over their computers. Maybe you picture a person in a lab carefully analyzing evidence. Or, maybe you imagine a guard standing...

Course 5 overview

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Hello, and welcome to Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities, the fifth course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. You’re on an exciting journey! By the end of this course, you’ll build an understanding of the wide range of assets organizations must protec...

Da'Queshia: My path to cybersecurity

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

Hi. My name is Da'Queshia. I'm a security engineer. That basically means I work securing Google's products so users like you aren't vulnerable. Before I entered cybersecurity, I worked installing Internet. I also worked at a chip factory. I worked ...

Understand risks, threats, and vulnerabilities

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

When security events occur, you’ll need to work in close coordination with others to address the problem. Doing so quickly requires clear communication between you and your team to get the job done. Previously, you learned about three foundational security te...

Tri: Life in asset security

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

I'm Tri, a security engineer at Google. My department is Detection and Response. Let's see, what does my everyday look like? Well, of course I have the free lunch and coffee, which is nice. And then I finally get to my desk and I open up the SIEM to ...

Security starts with asset classification

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

It can be really stressful when you have trouble finding something important. You're late to an appointment and can't find your keys! We all find ourselves in situations like these at one time or another. Believe it or not, organizations deal with ...