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812 total results found

Manage directories and files

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Previously, you explored how to manage the file system using Linux commands. The following commands were introduced: mkdir, rmdir, touch, rm, mv, and cp. In this reading, you’ll review these commands, the nano text editor, and learn another way to write to fil...

File permissions and ownership

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Hi there. It's great to have you back! Let's continue to learn more about how to work in Linux as a security analyst. In this video, we'll explore file and directory permissions. We'll learn how Linux represents permissions and how you can check fo...

File permissions and ownership

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Hi there. It's great to have you back! Let's continue to learn more about how to work in Linux as a security analyst. In this video, we'll explore file and directory permissions. We'll learn how Linux represents permissions and how you can check fo...

Change permissions

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Hi there! In the previous video, you learned how to check permissions for a user. In this video, we're going to learn about changing permissions. When working as a security analyst, there may be many reasons to change permissions fo...

Permission commands

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Previously, you explored file permissions and the commands that you can use to display and change them.  In this reading, you’ll review these concepts and also focus on an example of how these commands work together when putting the principle of least privileg...

Add and delete users

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Welcome back! In this video, we are going to discuss adding and deleting users. This is related to the concept of authentication. Authentication is the process of a user proving that they are who they say they are in the system. J...

Responsible use of sudo

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Previously, you explored authorization, authentication, and Linux commands with sudo, useradd, and userdel. The sudo command is important for security analysts because it allows users to have elevated permissions without risking the system by running commands ...

Damar: My journey into Linux commands

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

My name is Damar, I'm a security engineer here at Google. I've always wanted to get into cybersecurity since I was a kid. A lot of the cartoons I watched, they had like floppy disks or flash drives, and they would put that in the computer and kind of like ...

The Linux community

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

There are so many others just like you who will be using the command line. Linux's popularity and ease of use has created a large online community that constantly publishes information to help users learn how to operate Linux. Since Linux is open-sou...

Linux resources

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Previously, you were introduced to the Linux community and some resources that exist to help Linux users. Linux has many options available to give users the information they need. This reading will review these resources. When you’re aware of the resources ava...

Wrap-up; Glossary terms from week 3

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Congratulations! You completed another section in this course. Take a minute to think about what you've achieved. You learned a lot in this section. Let's recap what we covered. In this section, you utilized the command line to co...

Welcome to week 4; SQL and Databases

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In the world of security, diversity is important. Diverse perspectives are often needed to find effective solutions. This is also true of the tools we use. Your job will often require you to use a lot of diverse tools. In the last section, we stu...

Introduction to databases

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Our modern world is filled with data and that data almost always guides us in making important decisions. When working with large amounts of data, we need to know how to store it, so it's organized and quick to access and process. The solution to thi...

SQL filtering versus Linux filtering

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored the Linux commands that allow you to filter for specific information contained within files or directories. And, more recently, you examined how SQL helps you efficiently filter for the information you need. In this reading, you'll exp...

Adedayo: SQL in cybersecurity

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

My name is Adedayo, and I'm a Security Engineer at Google. A lot of people think you need to have a degree in computer science, right to be able to get into cybersecurity. I don't think that's true. Take me for an example, I started learning IT from Lago...

Basic queries

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In this video, we're going to be running our very first SQL query! This query will be based on a common work task that you might encounter as a security analyst. We're going to determine which computer has been assigned to a certain employee. Let's...

Query a database

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored how SQL is an important tool in the world of cybersecurity and is essential when querying databases. You examined a few basic SQL queries and keywords used to extract needed information from a database. In this reading, you’ll review t...

find table name and comumns definintion for SQL and variences

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Standard SQL: For databases that support the ANSI SQL standard and have the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views available, you can use the following query: SELECT table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns; you can append if you want to spe...

Basic filters on SQL queries

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

One of the most powerful features of SQL is its ability to filter. In this video, we're going to learn how this helps us make better queries and select more specific pieces of data from a database. Filtering is selecting data that m...

The WHERE clause and basic operators

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you focused on how to refine your SQL queries by using the WHERE clause to filter results. In this reading, you’ll further explore how to use the WHERE clause, the LIKE operator and the percentage sign (%) wildcard. You’ll also be introduced to the...