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Eternalblue/Eternalblue /Program.cs

Eternal blue in C# folder 1 Eternal blue

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using Sy...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Eternalblue/Eternalblue/Properties /AssemblyInfo.cs

Eternal blue in C# folder 1 Eternal blue

using System.Reflection;using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;using System.Runtime.InteropService...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


Eternal blue in C# folder 1 Eternal blue

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="http://schemas.micros...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


Eternal blue in C# folder 1 Eternal blue

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration>    <startup>         <supportedRuntime ver...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


Eternal blue in C#

################################################################################ Set default beha...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


Eternal blue in C#

## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and## files generated by popular Visual S...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


Eternal blue in C#

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio Version 16 VisualSt...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Eternal blue in C#

i took this from lassehauballe / Eternalblue has...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Framasoft- deegoogleify your life. its also french first :D

cool stuff Design useful tools Framacarte Google Maps ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

offensive sybersecurity courses crazy bro

cool stuff offsec Documentation // Changes:

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

i have gpt4 plugins so i used them to make gpt4 read all the kuroik lore :D

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3

ok so based off of all this who is yara? ChatGPT Yara is a ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Making the blood witch

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

    Maxx  Phones on but magic It's not clear what you are asking. Could you please provide mo...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

This book is intended to just log all diologue with mysef or chat gpt period. The name is super u...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Page 3

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

Page 3 Page 3 of your book could cover the geography and history of the planet Torosia, includ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

pg. 2

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

Maxx   page 2   I apologize, but I'm not sure what you mean by "page 2." Could you please prov...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

PG. 1

Book 0: creating everything w/ chatgpt3 gpt3-beta

i am creating a book that im writing called the book titled: NaruZKurai's Noctyx Fantasy, The Kur...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

part 1/day 1

unity devlog: jr programmer courses unit 1.1 game 1 dev log

welcome is a video saying that the course exists watch, then do is a video saying wa...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


unity devlog: jr programmer courses Introduction to project management and ...

In this tutorial, you’ve explored the basics of project management. These are applicable to any...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

9.Operations activities and retrospectives

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Introduction to project management and ...

Operations activities The final phase of the production cycle, operations, includes wo...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

8.Releasing your project

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Introduction to project management and ...

Once your project has been tested, fixed, and validated, you are ready to publish. Your project...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai