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Types of joins

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed working on inner joins. In the previous video and exerci...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Join tables in SQL

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

You've already learned a lot about SQL queries and filters. Nice work! The last concept w...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

More on filters with AND, OR, and NOT

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored how to add filters containing the AND, OR, and NOT operators to your SQL...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Filters with AND, OR, and NOT

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In the previous lesson, we learned about even more ways to filter queries in SQL to work wi...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Operators for filtering dates and numbers

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you examined operators like less than (<) or greater than (>) and explored how they c...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Filter dates and numbers

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In this video, we're going to continue using SQL queries and filters, but now we're going t...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

The WHERE clause and basic operators

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you focused on how to refine your SQL queries by using the WHERE clause to filter res...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Basic filters on SQL queries

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

One of the most powerful features of SQL is its ability to filter. In this video, we're g...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

find table name and comumns definintion for SQL and variences

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Standard SQL: For databases that support the ANSI SQL standard and have the INFORMATION_SC...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Query a database

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored how SQL is an important tool in the world of cybersecurity and is essent...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Basic queries

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In this video, we're going to be running our very first SQL query! This query will be bas...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Adedayo: SQL in cybersecurity

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

My name is Adedayo, and I'm a Security Engineer at Google. A lot of people think you need to ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

SQL filtering versus Linux filtering

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Previously, you explored the Linux commands that allow you to filter for specific information con...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Introduction to databases

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

Our modern world is filled with data and that data almost always guides us in making import...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Welcome to week 4; SQL and Databases

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... SQL and Databases

In the world of security, diversity is important. Diverse perspectives are often needed t...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Damar: My journey into Linux commands

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse...

My name is Damar, I'm a security engineer here at Google. I've always wanted to get into cybers...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Wrap-up; Glossary terms from week 3

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Congratulations! You completed another section in this course. Take a minute to think abo...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Linux resources

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Previously, you were introduced to the Linux community and some resources that exist to help Linu...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

The Linux community

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

There are so many others just like you who will be using the command line. Linux's popula...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Responsible use of sudo

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... linux basics part 2; electric boogalooo

Previously, you explored authorization, authentication, and Linux commands with sudo, useradd, an...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai