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Quadratics Vocabulary

  • Vertex
    • The vertex is the highest or lowest point on the curve.
    • The vertex is the point (x, y) where x = -(b/2a).
    • Naru calls it the apex.
    • We then use this x-value in the equation to find the y-value of the vertex.

  • Vertex Formula:
    • The graph of y = ax^2 + bx + c has the line x = -(b/2a) as its axis of symmetry.
    • The x-coordinate of the vertex is x = -(b/2a)
    • You can find the y by plugging the x-cordonate into your equation.
  • axis of symmetry
    •  the vertical line that splits the parabola down the middle.
    •  The axis of symetry uses the same formula as the vertex formula to find the x-cordonate: x = -(b/2a)
  • Up/ Down Test