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tenses (finsh plz)

  1. Basic Tenses: These are the simplest tenses in Kuroik. They indicate the general time frame of an action or state.

    • Past = 'ir
    • Present = 'er
    • Future = 'ur
  2. Precision Tenses: These tenses provide more specific information about the timing of an action or state. They are formed by adding a specific vowel before the 'r' in the basic tense.

    • It has happened = o
    • It is happening = a
    • Will happen = y (stresses the next vowel)
  • "Ganshi'ur ke'ur fpshuz'ur." (I make fire in the future)
    • there is no assuring the reader that it will happen. 
    • with context you dont need the "Ganshi'yur and can use "Ganshi'ur 
  • "Ganshi'yur ke'ur fpshuz'ur." (I will make fire.)
    • empasis asuring the reader/listern that the fire will be made
  •  "Ganshi'yir ke'ir fpshuz'ir"
    •  fire will will be made in the past, it donest garuntee that it has happend yet tho. because  there is no o in the temporal conjugation.
  • "Ganshi'oir ke'oir fpshuz'er" 
    • i made this fire in the past. it is definitive
      "Ganshi'oir ke'oir fpshuz'oir" means i made fire. in the past
  1. Negative Tenses: These tenses indicate that something is not happening. They are formed by adding a 'z' before the basic tense.

    • It is not happening = z
    • ex 
    • "Ganshi'zair ke'jir fpshuz'zair"
      • I time traveled into the past and was not making fire
        You don't need to add a 'z to 'ke'jir because the 'z applies to the action (making fire), not the subject (I).
  2. Future Now Tenses: These tenses indicate that something is happening in the future now but not now. They are formed by adding an 'n' before the basic tense.

    • It is happening in the future now but not now = n
  3. Ending Soon Tenses: These tenses indicate that something is happening now and it will end soon. They are formed by adding a 'k' before the basic tense.

    • It is happening now and it will end soon = k
  4. Multi-Tense Conjugations: These are complex tenses that combine multiple basic and precision tenses. They are used to express complex temporal relationships. For example, "ke'irer-maiyo'ur" means "I, in the past's present's future". and ke'irer i in the pasts present. 

  5. Temporal Clauses: These are phrases that provide additional information about the timing of an action or state. They are formed by adding a temporal tense to a verb, noun, or pronoun. For example, "ke'ir ganshi'ur" means "I (in the past) make (in the future)".

  6. Temporal Conjugation of Nouns and Pronouns: In Kuroik, nouns and pronouns can also be conjugated with temporal tenses. The tenses go immediately after the nouns instead of messing with the spelling. For example, "ok'ir" means "dog (in the past)".

  7. Temporal Conjugation of Verbs: Verbs in Kuroik are also conjugated with temporal tenses. The tenses are added to the end of the verb. For example, "ganshi'ur" means "make (in the future)".

  8. Temporal Markers: These are words or phrases that indicate the timing of an action or state. They are often used in conjunction with tenses to provide additional temporal information. For example, "hiya" means "before".

    Your explanation of the tenses is mostly correct, but there are a few points that need to be clarified:

    1. Precision Tenses: The 'o', 'a', and 'y' vowels are not added before the 'r' in the basic tense, but rather the 'i', 'e', 'u' in the basic tenses 'ir', 'er', 'ur'. So, "Ganshi'oir ke'oir fpshuz'oir" means "I made fire (in the past)", and "Ganshi'ur ke'ur fpshuz'ur" means "I will make fire (in the future)".

    2. Negative Tenses: The 'z' is added before the basic tense, but it doesn't negate the subject, only the action. So, "Ganshi'zair ke'jir fpshuz'zair" means "I (time-traveled to the past) was not making fire".

    3. Future Now Tenses: The 'n' is added before the basic tense to indicate that something is happening in the future now but not now. For example, "Ganshi'nur ke'nur fpshuz'nur" means "I am making fire (in the future now but not now)".

    4. Ending Soon Tenses: The 'k' is added before the basic tense to indicate that something is happening now and it will end soon. For example, "Ganshi'ker ke'ker fpshuz'ker" means "I am making fire (now and it will end soon)".

    5. Multi-Tense Conjugations: These are indeed complex tenses that combine multiple basic and precision tenses. For example, "ke'irer-maiyo'ur" means "I, in the past's present's future".

    6. Temporal Clauses: These are phrases that provide additional information about the timing of an action or state. They are formed by adding a temporal tense to a verb, noun, or pronoun. For example, "ke'ir ganshi'ur" means "I (in the past) make (in the future)".

    7. Temporal Conjugation of Nouns and Pronouns: In Kuroik, nouns and pronouns can also be conjugated with temporal tenses. The tenses go immediately after the nouns instead of messing with the spelling. For example, "ok'ir" means "dog (in the past)".

    8. Temporal Conjugation of Verbs: Verbs in Kuroik are also conjugated with temporal tenses. The tenses are added to the end of the verb. For example, "ganshi'ur" means "make (in the future)".

    9. Temporal Markers: These are words or phrases that indicate the timing of an action or state. They are often used in conjunction with tenses to provide additional temporal information. For example, "hiya" means "before".


Remember, the Kuroik language places a significant emphasis on time, which is reflected in its complex system of temporal tenses. These tenses allow for precise expression of time, making the language ideal for magic and diplomacy.