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dynamic relationship system DRS

 A dynamic relationship system for NPCs and players could be broken down into several modules or components that work together to create a cohesive system. Here are a few potential modules that could be included:

    NPC behavior module: This module would define the base behaviors and personality traits of each NPC in the game world. NPCs could have a set of traits that influence how they respond to different situations or interactions with the player, such as being friendly or hostile, shy or outgoing, etc.

    Interaction event module: This module would be responsible for creating and managing interaction events between NPCs and the player. These events could be triggered by a variety of factors, such as the player initiating conversation with an NPC, the player completing a task or mission, or the player committing a crime in front of an NPC.

    Relationship progression module: This module would track the progression of relationships between NPCs and the player, based on their interactions and events. It could include variables such as trust, loyalty, respect, and affection, which could increase or decrease based on the player's actions and choices.

    Quest system module: This module would allow the player to take on quests or missions from NPCs, which could affect the player's relationships with those NPCs and potentially with other NPCs as well.

    Dialogue system module: This module would be responsible for creating dynamic dialogue options based on the player's relationships with NPCs. As the player's relationships with NPCs change, the available dialogue options could change as well.

By breaking down the dynamic relationship system into smaller modules, it becomes easier to manage and maintain, as well as allowing for greater flexibility and customization. These modules can be designed and implemented independently, and then integrated into the larger system as needed.


I'm v tired
npcs get to interact with other npcs
idea from rain world :D