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(pg 1) Preface.

The objective of the course is to provide an account of the study of optics taking up the
subject from where the study of electric and magnetic fields finished with the elucidation of
the Maxwell equations and developing these into a wave description of light. Some basics of
the properties of electromagnetic waves will be studied allowing an exploration of physical

As with any subject, it is necessary to begin by developing a language with which to discuss
the subject matter. In this case it is electromagnetic waves that are the subject of interest
and electromagnetic waves have several properties of interest in common with other waves;
sound, water, quantum mechanical etc. For the purposes of this study these include at the
top of the list the wave amplitude and phase.

The module outline eschews traditional development of the subject by beginning with
physical optics before going on to geometric optics in keeping with its emphasis on the
electromagnetic wave nature of light. The development of the module will proceed as follows;

  • i) The module begins by exploring the meaning of the amplitude of the EM wave, in
    terms of the electric field (and in terms of the accompanying magnetic field) and its
    relationship to the intensity (power per unit area) carried by that wave. This will enable
    the development of an understanding of how transmission and reflection at a dielectric
    interface may be described and evaluated.
  • ii) The module will then focus on the phase of the wave and how this is to be used in
    circumstances (the most general ones) where the overall optical effect is produced by
    a superposition of many waves; specifically in interference and diffraction effects.
  • iii) Geometric optics will then, ignoring the wave properties of the light, provide an
    understanding of simple optical components and the use of such components in some
    common optical instruments.

  • iv) The course will end by exploring some of the quantum aspects of light and in
    particular a simple description of the interaction of light with matter by describing that
    interaction in terms of a basic two (quantum) level system.