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chroot to other linux drive from img

mmls flag_drive.img #u may need to gunzip flag_drive.img.gz
└─# mmls flag_drive.img
DOS Partition Table
Offset Sector: 0
Units are in 512-byte sectors

      Slot      Start        End          Length       Description
000:  Meta      0000000000   0000000000   0000000001   Primary Table (#0)
001:  -------   0000000000   0000002047   0000002048   Unallocated
002:  000:000   0000002048   0000206847   0000204800   Linux (0x83)
003:  000:001   0000206848   0000411647   0000204800   Linux Swap / Solaris x86 (0x82)
004:  000:002   0000411648   0000819199   0000407552   Linux (0x83)

sudo mkdir /mnt/flag_drive
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((2048*512)) flag_drive.img /mnt/alpine #Linux (0x83) is after offset 2047 *512 bytes  so 2048
sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/flag_drive/proc
sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/flag_drive/sys
sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/flag_drive/dev
sudo chroot /mnt/alpine #possibly need to add /bin/bash or /bin/sh or depending on the operating system fish or ash or whatever else that system uses. look in /bin/ to see what shell it uses

#and just coz im hella forgetfull
find / -type f -name "*words*" 2>/dev/null
#im serious super forgetfull
grep -R "picoCTF{" / 2>/dev/null