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Supplemental Reading for Chrome OS

Another operating system that has started to gain popularity is Chrome OS, which you can read about in more detail here.

Heads up: A big part of being successful in an IT role is the ability to be a self-led learner -- someone who finds key resources and reads up on the latest tech trends and solutions. The supplemental readings we’ve provided have been designed to show you just some of the support materials available to you online; they’re not meant to be considered a comprehensive list.

bro also check out Vanilla os
one of the most user friendly linux distros, it started as an ubuntu flavor but is becoming its own thing using the debian base, kindof link how ubuntu does.
also it uses containers of linux to run native code for any os. say u want to use aur programs, use that, u want rhel apps? gotchu running that nativly. o regular flatpacs? YES PLEASE