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Installing, Updating, and Removing Software in Windows


This lab will teach you how to perform basic software maintenance on Windows machines. This includes installing software that's not already present on the machines, updating existing software to the newest version, and uninstalling software that‘s no longer needed. All of these tasks are very common in the IT world, so it's important that you're able to do them quickly and effectively.

Head's up: You'll experience a delay as the labs initially load (particularly for Windows labs). So, please wait a couple of minutes for the labs to load. The grade is calculated when the lab is complete, so be sure to hit "End Lab" when you're done!

You'll have 60 minutes to complete this lab. You must spend at least 5 minutes running the lab in order for your grade to be updated and passed back to Coursera. If you complete the lab before 5 minutes have passed, please wait until more time has passed before clicking "End Lab".

What you'll do

There are three learning objectives for this lab:

  • Install- You'll install the Mozilla Firefox web browser. There's currently no version of Firefox on the machine you'll be using, so it will be a fresh installation.

  • Update- The machine you'll be using comes preinstalled with an old version of the VLC Media Player. You'll update VLC to the newest version.

  • Uninstall- You'll uninstall the GIMP photo-editing tool from the machine, removing it entirely.