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Wrap-up; Terms and definitions from Course 8, Module 2

Now you've had an opportunity to learn about the essential role you'll be playing by escalating incidents.
Let's review what we covered in this section of the course.
We started off by defining incident escalation and discussing useful traits needed to properly escalate incidents.
We also explored a few incident classification types and their potential impacts to an organization.
From there, we discussed how small security incidents can become bigger problems if not properly addressed.
Finally, we covered some general guidelines for the actual process of incident escalation.
This process varies depending on the organization you work for, but one thing should always remain the same: Your attention to detail!
Understanding how each incident affects the data and assets of an organization is really important, because the decisions you make can affect the entire security team and organization.
Are you ready to continue your security journey?!
Coming up we'll discuss stakeholders and how to communicate effectively with them.

Glossary terms from module 2

Data controller: A person that determines the procedure and purpose for processing data

Data processor: A person that is responsible for processing data on behalf of the data controller

Data protection officer (DPO): An individual that is responsible for monitoring the compliance of an organization's data protection procedures

Escalation policy: A set of actions that outlines who should be notified when an incident alert occurs and how that incident should be handled

Improper usage: An incident type that occurs when an employee of an organization violates the organization’s acceptable use policies

Incident escalation: The process of identifying a potential security incident, triaging it, and handing it off to a more experienced team member

Malware infection: An incident type that occurs when malicious software designed to disrupt a system infiltrates an organization’s computers or network

Unauthorized access: An incident type that occurs when an individual gains digital or physical access to a system or an application without permission