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Terms and definitions from Course 7


Algorithm: A set of rules that solve a problem

Argument (Python): The data brought into a function when it is called

Automation: The use of technology to reduce human and manual effort to perform common and repetitive tasks


Boolean data: Data that can only be one of two values: either True or False

Bracket notation: The indices placed in square brackets 

Built-in function: A function that exists within Python and can be called directly


Command-line interface: A text-based user interface that uses commands to interact with the computer

Comment: A note programmers make about the intention behind their code

Conditional statement: A statement that evaluates code to determine if it meets a specified set of conditions


Data type: A category for a particular type of data item

Debugger: A software tool that helps to locate the source of an error and assess its causes

Debugging: The practice of identifying and fixing errors in code

Dictionary data: Data that consists of one or more key-value pairs


Exception: An error that involves code that cannot be executed even though it is syntactically correct


File path: The location of a file or directory 

Float data: Data consisting of a number with a decimal point

Function: A section of code that can be reused in a program


Global variable: A variable that is available through the entire program


Immutable: An object that cannot be changed after it is created and assigned a value

Indentation: Space added at the beginning of a line of code

Index: A number assigned to every element in a sequence that indicates its position

Integer data: Data consisting of a number that does not include a decimal point

Integrated development environment (IDE): A software application for writing code that provides editing assistance and error correction tools

Interpreter: A computer program that translates Python code into runnable instructions line by line 

Iterative statement: Code that repeatedly executes a set of instructions


Library: A collection of modules that provide code users can access in their programs

List concatenation: The concept of combining two lists into one by placing the elements of the second list directly after the elements of the first list

List data: Data structure that consists of a collection of data in sequential form

Local variable: A variable assigned within a function

Log: A record of events that occur within an organization's systems

Logic error: An error that results when the logic used in code produces unintended results

Loop variable: A variable that is used to control the iterations of a loop


Method: A function that belongs to a specific data type

Module: A Python file that contains additional functions, variables, classes, and any kind of runnable code


Notebook: An online interface for writing, storing, and running code 


Parameter (Python): An object that is included in a function definition for use in that function

Parsing: The process of converting data into a more readable format

PEP 8 style guide: A resource that provides stylistic guidelines for programmers working in Python 

Programming: A process that can be used to create a specific set of instructions for a computer to execute tasks

Python Standard Library: An extensive collection of Python code that often comes packaged with Python


Regular expression (regex): A sequence of characters that forms a pattern

Return statement: A Python statement that executes inside a function and sends information back to the function call  


Set data: Data that consists of an unordered collection of unique values

String concatenation: The process of joining two strings together

String data: Data consisting of an ordered sequence of characters

Style guide: A manual that informs the writing, formatting, and design of documents

Substring: A continuous sequence of characters within a string

Syntax: The rules that determine what is correctly structured in a computing language

Syntax error: An error that involves invalid usage of a programming language


Tuple data: Data structure that consists of a collection of data that cannot be changed

Type error: An error that results from using the wrong data type


User-defined function: A function that programmers design for their specific needs


Variable: A container that stores data