module 2
Welcome to module 2
Welcome back to our Python journey!In the previous videos, we learned all about the basics of Pyt...
Python functions in cybersecurity
Previously, you explored how to define and call your own functions. In this reading, you’ll rev...
Introduction to functions
As the complexity of our programs grow, it's also likely that we'll reuse the same lines of code....
Create a basic function
Let's start our exploration of user-defined functions by creating and then running a very simple ...
Use parameters in functions
Previously, we defined and called our first function.It didn't require any information from outsi...
Return statements
We previously learned how we can pass arguments into a function.We can do more than pass informat...
Functions and variables
Previously, you focused on working with multiple parameters and arguments in functions and return...
Explore built-in functions
Now that we know how to create our own functions, let's also explore a few of Python's built-in f...
Work with built-in functions
Previously, you explored built-in functions in Python, including print(), type(), max(), and sort...
Activity: Define and call a function
Introduction As a security analyst, when you're writing out Python code to automate a certai...
Modules and libraries
Hello again!Previously, we learned about built-in functions in Python.Built-in functions come sta...
Import modules and libraries in Python
Previously, you explored libraries and modules. You learned that a module is a Python file that c...
Code readability
Welcome back!One of the advantages to programming in Python is that it's a very readable language...
Ensure proper syntax and readability in Python
Previously, you were introduced to the PEP 8 style guide and its stylistic guidelines for program...
Dorsa: Use Python efficiently on a cybersecurity team
Hi, my name is Dorsa and I'm a security engineer.What I love the most about my job is that I get ...
Wrap-up; Reference guide: Python concepts from module 2
Great work on making it this far in the Python course!You've put in a lot of work and effort towa...
Glossary terms from module 2
Terms and definitions from Course 7, Module 2 Argument (Python): The data brought into a functio...