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Wrap-up; Terms and definitions from Course 6, Module 2

Glossary terms from module 2

Command and control (C2): The techniques used by malicious actors to maintain communications with compromised systems

Command-line interface (CLI): A text-based user interface that uses commands to interact with the computer

Data exfiltration: Unauthorized transmission of data from a system

Data packet: A basic unit of information that travels from one device to another within a network

Indicators of compromise (IoC): Observable evidence that suggests signs of a potential security incident

Internet Protocol (IP): A set of standards used for routing and addressing data packets as they travel between devices on a network

Intrusion detection systems (IDS): An application that monitors system activity and alerts on possible intrusions

Media Access Control (MAC) Address: A unique alphanumeric identifier that is assigned to each physical device on a network

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Incident Response Lifecycle: A framework for incident response consisting of four phases: Preparation; Detection and Analysis; Containment, Eradication and Recovery; and Post-incident activity

Network data: The data that’s transmitted between devices on a network 

Network protocol analyzer (packet sniffer): A tool designed to capture and analyze data traffic within a network

Network traffic: The amount of data that moves across a network 

Network Interface Card (NIC): hardware that connects computers to a network

Packet capture (p-cap): A file containing data packets intercepted from an interface or network

Packet sniffing: The practice of capturing and inspecting data packets across a network

Playbook: A manual that provides details about any operational action

Root user (or superuser): A user with elevated privileges to modify the system

Sudo: A command that temporarily grants elevated permissions to specific users

tcpdump: A command-line network protocol analyzer

Wireshark: An open-source network protocol analyzer