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As I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my black tuxedo and red tie, I couldn't help but notice how my once brilliant green eyes were now a deep, crimson red, like human blood. I ran my hand over my horns, which had taken on a more jagged appearance over the years, a sign of the power I had gained.

I was preparing to meet the kuroik, a strange new species that had recently entered our world. I had heard that they had no children, and I couldn't help but wonder where they had come from and why their language sounded so unique. Their skin shimmered a bright purple, and every person looked so different from one another.

I decided to put on my best clothes and visit the kuroik, hoping to form an alliance with them. I would offer them a gift and try to learn more about them. As I stepped out into the scorching desert heat, I couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that settled in my stomach. But I was determined to make this encounter a success, for the sake of our world and the future of the witches of the scorching sands.

As I sit in my room, I can't help but wonder about the strange purple beings that have recently entered our world. Leyt told me about the island she saw, covered in purple things. I can't help but feel a sense of curiosity and caution towards these creatures. Who are they? Why have they come here? And what do they want?

I decide to dress in my finest clothes and pay them a visit, offering them a gift as a sign of goodwill. Perhaps by forming an alliance with them, I can learn more about their motivations and whether or not they pose a threat to our world.

I also can't help but think about the idea of creating a group of witches, like myself, to stand against any potential threats. I want to call it the Witches of the Scorching Sands, with myself as the founder and Leyt as the first member. We could use our combined magical abilities to protect our world and its inhabitants.

As I contemplate these thoughts, I also consider using my illusion magic to show the purple beings a glimpse of life on our planet. How it grows, lives, and ultimately dies, but can also be consumed and harnessed for power. Perhaps this will help them understand our way of life and inspire a sense of cooperation between our two worlds.