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Plot of this book lol

Start of the story

one day a pair of twins were born in the kingdom of kuroik

two identical twins

leyt and ?????
(darkness) and (light)

one day while there mother slept

A human infected with light invaded the castle

while the human tried to raid the tresure room

passed the room of the princes







on the same night.

 the head servant.




one of the two caught the plague of light.

the seed of destruction was invisible.

many years passed and they became inseparable.

there mother ordered them to train in the arts of Technomancy and combat

the brothers grew to become great fighters adept in many flavors of magic.

being able to use light magic was dangerous

so brother of light kept his training a secret

one day there mother ordered them to dual for the position as the next Diety of Technomancy, and leader of the kingdom.

on the day of the dual, everyone from the town came to watch.

whispers of ???? to the light, your brother is ?????

??????? (for the right reasons but the wrong action)

he tried to assassinate his brother in-front of everyone using light magic

he was stopped by his fater, and accidentally killed him.

then was banished, and suposed to be executed

in ????? he tried to find the source of his plague


then he slew wrong the the diety of chronomancy. 

not only one but 3 deities of chronomancy


The blood witch saw the chaos


abducts the prince of light

experimented on him to snuff the light.

The brother of light nolonger is controled by the humans :D

returned to normal and without magic the Blood Witch teaches him blood magic


becomes leader of a new kingdom of humans 


brother of darkness and king of the kuroik tries to find his brother to understand why.


Seh's children gets eaten by homigi ( ko the face stealer vibes with giratina vibes , also death female form) (all evil actions it does has an equal and opposite positive action eg kill 1000 people 1000000 people get saved, rid the universe from magic but prevent all Deseases from being possible kinda thing. every good action has to be for an evil purpose intentional or accidental, and vice versa) maybe ?

the godly power of the aspects is defined by belief / faith in the person/ thing / concept + natural capabilities. 
+99% believers for sacrefice
+99% believers for death


kensurakaehesashe (language) ???????????????????????????

NaruZkurai, gets flung into this universe. and meets nnzakeh's parrents. and learns the culture. still is cybernetic and human from universe 1

Nnzakeh's mother goes to the festaval of dragons. and rebirths NaruZKurai as a dragon.

naruzkurai convinces nnzakeh's father to die

Nnzakeh's father dies

naruzkurai uses nnzakeh's fatehers body to become dragon


nnzakeh gets Kuramaeh pact before naruzkruai leaves

Nnzakeh's mother  dies

Tulipa turns Mothers heart eyes and fangs into Heirlooms for Nnzakeh


Tulipa trains Nnzakeh


Tulipa mentors Nnzakeh

Tulipa donates heirlooms to Nnzakeh

Nnzakeh learns how to be a dragon and human

festival of dragons free transformation allows Nnzakeh to become a powerfull dragon he somehow accidentally forms a pact with ?????? the first adopted child of yara. but he doesnt know who she realy is. it just makes him stronger as a dragon.


Tulipa dies to borother of light to prevent ??????


Tulipa dies


nnzakeh trys to slay brother of light for the crime of destroying a culture



Nnzakeh travels back to his home town in the xhanku desert

Nnzakeh participates the festival of dragons to mourn the loss of tulipa

Nnzakeh visits the Abyssal spire

Tulipa's diary references:

The brother of light
Tulipa's children ?????????? falling out
Seh is Tulipas child

Yara's Diary


the sealed soul inside the diary.

yohmahchi' gets unsealed.

notes for the plot


Yara is also The strongest Hemomancy user to ever exist

the world thinks that mountan eaters are extinct
the world think yara is a celstial because she hasnt died.

every year she tries to cull children who cannot use magic, and try to give them.

there are people who dont want others to have magic? and used as sacrificie.

Yaras influence is the mother of the magic eater bloodline. (idk source of magic?)

Mountain eaters die of injury, and since yara is an anomaly she grew magic and lives basically forever

there are 3 magical blood line sources.

Kuroik bloodline source of magic is its own eternal darkness and antimater

Xhanku desert dragon clan's magic is kurozmium, the catalyst of incomplete magic. Its created via excess gathered magic while casting. and allows stronger magic to from.

Yara's blood....... the source of 70% of the planets magic

the humans killed a dragon and consume the catalyst. thats how they get there magic.

aspects are only what you make of them.
they can freely donate power to others and mentor others. 


ask lowa about time travel rules
you can chronomancy. via magic.
you gain catalyst when using any magic
you burn catalyst to time travel
whenever you chronomancy, it leaves an aura around the areas affected,
if enough changes with the objects its fate is not absolute. however if not allot has changed, or rater not enough to change threads of the rope of time. chrono atractrors will bring back the end result.
all changes in the timeline are remembered by all who are influenced by the chrono aura.